So, Are you tired to create multiple MODALS in ReactJS??

If yes, then In this article I will help you to learn how to Create Dynamic Modal in React JS.

Creating a dynamic common modal in React-Bootstrap that can be reused across multiple components with different input fields involves a few steps. The idea is to create a flexible modal component that can receive different sets of input fields as children and handle the form submission dynamically. Here’s how you can achieve this:

1. Install react-bootstrap bootstrap package in your vite react project OR If you want then you can also use C-R-A.

2.  You include Bootstrap CSS in your project, typically in main.jsx.

3. Create a CommonModal Component: This component will render the modal and accept children elements, which will be the dynamic input fields.

4. Use CommonModal in Different Components: Now, you can use this modal in different components and pass different sets of input fields as children.
Here, I use common Modal for registration and Login.

Second, Login Form Component

Now, In App.jsx

This allows you to have a flexible modal component that can be tailored with different form inputs for various use cases across your application.
So, that's all for today, I hope this will hel